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Principal’s Message

Welcome to Lincoln School located in the culturally rich and economically diverse Village of Ridgefield Park, New Jersey.


The mission of Lincoln School is to provide an interactive learning environment which encourages our students to develop understanding, skills, and confidence by engaging them in a variety of activities that promote responsibility, respect, ethical values, critical thinking, and a lifelong commitment to learning. Our school days are enriched because our students are engaged in their education, our passionate staff is committed to excellence, and the Lincoln School community is devoted to the success and well-being of its children.


Lincoln School has a steadfast commitment to children with special needs. The unique learning styles and accommodations of our students are always taken seriously. The acceptance of all our students fosters a lifelong understanding and compassion for others.


Our comprehensive Guidance and Character Education programs are exemplary.  Regularly scheduled guidance classroom lessons assist our children as they develop academically, socially, and emotionally. Our school counselor is available for our students who may need counseling. The prevention of bullying is also a major focus of student guidance services. We want all students to feel safe and supported in Lincoln School.


In Lincoln School, technology has been infused throughout the curriculum. Student computer literacy and technology skills are developed in computer classes in our second floor lab and through the use of our classroom technology. We recognize the importance of technology and developing digital citizenship skills in our students’ lives.


The appreciation and advancement of the fine arts is also an area of focus for Lincoln School.  We look forward to showing student’s artwork, music, or creative talent to the community. We understand the importance of a holistic education and its ability to enhance brain development and create a rich environment of artistic expression.

The character of our school community is exemplified in the many charitable events in which our students and staff participate. We work collectively with our PTA and community organizations while encouraging students to be sensitive to local and global issues.


Like all the public schools within the Village of Ridgefield Park, Lincoln School prides itself on its focus and dedication to excellence in education.   A supportive and involved community, dedicated faculty and staff, and an administration that is unwavering in its commitment to children have placed Lincoln School in the forefront of public education. 

Dr. Stephen Ferraro 

Principal, Lincoln School

Lincoln School mission

The mission of Lincoln School is to provide an interactive learning environment which encourages our students to develop understanding, skills, and confidence by engaging them in a variety of activities that promote responsibility, respect, ethical values, critical thinking, and a lifelong commitment to learning.

District Anti Bullying Policy

The Board of Education prohibits acts of harassment, intimidation, or bullying of a student.  For more information about the District's Anti Bullying Policy, see: 

Lincoln School Anti Bullying Specialist

Ms.Nancy Alkin
LIncoln School
712 Lincoln Avenue
Ridgefield Park. NJ 07660
[email protected]
(201) 440-7044

District Anti Bullying Coordinator

Ms. Nancy Alkin
LIncoln School
712 Lincoln Avenue
Ridgefield Park. NJ 07660
[email protected]
(201) 440-7044

Student Code of Conduct

Every student enrolled in this district shall observe promulgated rules and regulations and the discipline imposed for infraction of those rules as described in the Student Code of Conduct

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