What's New at Lincoln

Mobile Planetarium
Planetarium Experience
On Friday, January 17 students had a one of a kind assembly where they saw the Starlab Portable Planetarium System. This made it possible for students to observe the evening sky and become amateur astronomers. Sparking curiosity, students learned about stars and planets while going into the blow up planetarium. A huge thanks to the PTA for providing this amazing experience from What's Out There, LLC. More information can be found on starstogo.net.
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Display at Multicultural Festival
Multicultural Festival
Lincoln School held its second multicultural festival, representing several nations, including Mexico, Italy, Tajikistan, and Ecuador to name a few. Sixth graders were able to create their own booth and sell cultural cuisine or crafts as a fundraiser for their class. This took place during the Winter Concerts on December 9th, allowing great visibility for sales and a cheerful scene while students musically performed. A huge thanks to Ms. Granda for working with Dr. Ferraro to make this festival happen, as well as Mr. Carbone for his musical concerts.
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Student Voting
Practicing for the Election
Kindergartners at Lincoln School learned about voting during November's presidential election season. They received "voter registration" cards and had the opportunity to vote for class Oreos or Chips Ahoy Chocolate Chips. Using a secret ballot box, students selected their vote, put them in the box, and got a "I voted today!" sticker.
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Firefighters at Lincoln School
Fire Prevention at Lincoln
Students in grades Pre-K to 4 were able to see our local firefighters for an assembly on fire safety. They were able to see a real fire truck and gear. They were awesome at "stop, drop, and roll." The Ridgefield Park Fire Department is a volunteer organization. If you are interested in joining, please call the Chiefs' Office at 201-641-5088 or call 1-800-FIRELINE for more information on volunteering. Thank you firefighters.
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Students with Books
Book Tasting
Our 5th grade class did a "book tasting" in the beginning of the school year. Dressed up as chefs, students were able to get excited to read different genres of fiction this school year. Students had so much fun and were able to preview books while providing some reflection during their previews. Do we have some future chefs? Future writers? Future professional tasters?
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Graduation Ceremony
Pre-K 4 Celebration
Our preschool classes from Lincoln, Roosevelt, and Grant banded together on June 6th to celebrate the promotions of their Pre-K 4 students going into Kindergarten. It was truly a spectacular moment to see these students walk in during the processional and sing songs, such as "We Will Rock You." With a rainbow theme, students were able to have a fun party with stations, music, and a photobooth. 6th grade safeties even helped as well. A huge thanks to All School Special Needs for donating towards this celebration.
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Second Grade Dino-Dioramas!
Our second graders worked on a project, going back in time to the dinosaur era. Using their creativity and knowledge, they created dioramas, which are miniature sized replicas of a scene. They worked hard and the projects are being admired by many people while on display.
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Anti-Bullying Assembly
Pirates Anti-Bullying Assemby at Lincoln
Thanks to the PTA, students on April 2 were able to see the Pirate School Assembly. The assembly touched upon anti-bullying and promoted self-esteem and acts of kindness. Students were shown how to be a crew of "good pirates" while laughing and learning along the way. Students experienced subtle themes that encouraged teamwork and personal responsibility. The assembly program is through the Bergen PAC.
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BCASA Job Fair
BCASA Job Fair
Leadership from the elementary schools and jr-sr. high school banded together on March 9 to help recruit teachers for next school year at the Bergen County Education Job Fair in Montvale, NJ. Pictured here from left to right include Dr. Ferraro, Mrs. Cavins, Mrs. Gonzalez, Mrs. Hernandez, Mrs. Armental, and Mr. Cata.
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Principal and Spelling Bee Winner
Lincoln Spelling Bee Winner
Congratulations to Ellie Iskaros for winning 3rd place in the 4th-5th grade district spelling bee. This event was held on Thursday, February 1st at Lincoln Elementary School. It was sponsored and coordinated by the Women’s Club of Ridgefield Park. Over 70 students from all three elementary schools in Ridgefield Park registered to participate in the event. Ellie also came in 3rd place at the next round, which was the Palisades District, competing against other towns! We are so proud of her and all the participants!
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Student Participants
The World Game Challenge
On January 12th, 6th grade G&T students from Lincoln and Roosevelt Schools were given the opportunity to participate in the World Game Challenge at the Dwight Englewood School. Eleven 6th graders represented Ridgefield Park along with 150 other students from across the county. Students were divided into regions/world organizations. Each group was given their set allotted resources or lack thereof. Throughout the course of the day, students had to learn to work together to balance the world's resources so that each region would have enough to sustain themselves. It was amazing to see students from all over learn to collaborate so quickly and solve our world's problems.
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Principal and Students with Awards
Winter Poster Contest
How can Lincoln School show kindness and love during cooped up cold days? With a theme of love and care, students were invited to design a poster that resembles community or family coming together during the winter months. There were many entries and everyone should be proud. Four winners were announced, who also won prizes. Congratulations to Alexander Moon, Demir Pena, Emily Mota, and Daisy Quinche!
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Students at ROAR Meeting
ROAR Meeting
Congratulations to Dania Ramirez and Jacob Murcia as students of the month for October, who were recognized at the grade 3 & 4 ROAR class meeting in November. At the ROAR meeting, students learned about diversity and technology care and were motivated about attendance. ROAR stands for Respectful, On-Task, Accepting, and Responsible. We hope our Lincoln Lions ROAR!
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Students Learning About Fire Prevention
Fire Prevention Week
For Fire Prevention Week, the Village of RP set up scheduled assembly days with the elementary schools for grades Pre-K to 4. The students had an opportunity to learn safety procedures in case of a fire as well as having a first hand look at one of our Village Fire Engines.
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Safety Patrol
Safety Patrol is Ready to Serve
6th Grade Safety Patrol- Our 2023 6th grade safety patrol are students who take on the responsibility of supervising and helping our younger children in grades Pre-K to 3. They are given guidance by the safety program coordinator, Mrs. Alkin, and give up their recess to provide support. They role model excellent behavior and get a chance to interact with our younger students. Thank you AAA for keeping this program in place and giving us the bright yellow safety belts!
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Field Day Games
Field Day Blast
On June 2nd, Lincoln School held its annual Field Day. It was a blast with many different stations, some of which included the infamous water balloon toss, the hula hoop escape room, scooter bowling, cheese ball head, shoe find, and shoe kick. All while music was playing, students competed and had loads of fun. The PTA provided popcorn and all students received a field day shirt at the end! A huge thank you to the PTA volunteers, Mr. Mazzarisi, Mr. Fells, Mr. Carbone, and service providers for making this a successful day.
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Student Entrepreneu
TREP$ Market
Lincoln School held its first ever TREP$ Market. TREP$ is a new after school entrepreneurship program, in which 5th and 6th graders learned lessons on creating a business from Mrs. Alkin. They then developed a business plan and sold their services or products to the public! Some products and services included light up pens, bracelets, stuffed animals, fresh fruit popsicles, face painting, and stress balls. It was amazing to see students using their entrepreneurial and creativity skills.
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Motivational Artwork
Autism Awareness Month
Lincoln School is celebrating Autism Awareness Month by holding a Neurodiversity Spirit Week from April 17-21. Students were able to wear a fun hat or accessory for Magnificent Mind Monday. Autism is a neurological variation in which the brains of autistic people work differently. Other days included Spectrum Tuesday, Wear Your Passion Wednesday, Autism Acceptance Thursday, and Sensory Friendly Friday. In addition to this spirit week, 5th and 6th graders are also participating in a recess project to play with students on the spectrum in their classrooms. Lastly, Mrs. Bush is putting together an infinity symbol chain around the school. Students are coloring and cutting these symbols dedicated to autism.
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Student Giving a TED Talk
TED Talks at Lincoln
Our 6th Graders in Mrs. Centrella's class were assigned a project where they had to give inspiring TED talks based on their argumentative essays. The students did a fabulous job and worked on their public speaking skills. If you never heard of TED talks, they are influential videos from various speakers on education, business, science, and more. You can check them out at ted.com.
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Officer Reading to Students
Read Across America Week
Read Across America Week at Lincoln School was so much fun! It included 6th grade guest speakers for classes, various adult guest speakers, book contests, themed clothing days, and a bed-time story from Dr. Ferraro. Dr. Ferraro read two books to classes, including one about Mary Jackson, which tied into Black History and Women History’s Month, along with I’m Basically a Unicorn about uniqueness and disabilities for Rare Disease Day. The Social Media Club also made an excellent video for this week. A huge thank you to the PTA for donating prizes for the contests.
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Global Play Day
Global School Play Day
Lincoln School participated in Global School Play Day on Wednesday, February 1. Part of the school day students played together without devices. It was a great way to remind students how fun it is to interact with each other using toys. From classic board games to dolls, students played with each other and built social skills. More information on this day can be found on globalschoolplayday.com.
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Winter Spirit Week
Lincoln School celebrated a Winter Spirit Week the week of December 19. It kicked off with Candy Cane Day, where Lincoln School students and staff showed how sweet and likable they were by wearing candy cane colors of red and white. There was also Pizza and Pajama Day, Lincoln School Pride Day, Festive Socks Day, and Ugly Sweater Day. Pictured here is Pizza and Pajama Day in grade 1. A special thank you to our PTA for donating pizza for the school.
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Student Parade
Grade 3 STEM Parade!
Do you like the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade? Well our third graders had a STEM parade around Thanksgiving time to celebrate science, technology, engineering and math. Students clapped along as music played over the intercom during the parade.
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Scholastic Book Fair
Scholastic Book Fair
Lincoln School hosted their PTA sponsored book fair at the end of November. Students were able to browse and purchase books. This was a great event to promote reading and raise funds for the school. Thank you to all the parents who helped out at this event!
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Students with Certificates
Bringing It Back to the 50s
Lincoln School kindergarteners celebrated the 50th day of school in 1950s style! Students learned the difference between now and the 1950s, along with listening and dancing to new songs and trying infamous root beer floats. Students were able to dress up and do activities related to the number 50, such as counting, tracing, and coloring. What a thematic and fun lesson!
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Students and Staff in Halloween Costumes
October Festivities
Lincoln School had many fun events going on this spooky season. The PTA donated pumpkins for Pre-K to 3 classes. There was an incredible dance for grades 4-6 with costume winners! There was also a pumpkin decorating contest. Our pumpkin contest winners included Ellie Cesario, Matthew Whalen, and Sonia Cuervo. It was truly amazing to see all the effort put into this contest and then displayed for students to vote! Lastly, we capped off Halloween with a parade around Lincoln School. Pictured here is Mr. Alkhazov's homeroom dressed up. Take a look at this video highlighting some of the activities.
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Car Wash
6th Grade Car Wash
On Saturday, September 24, our 6th grade had a car wash fundraiser through the Lincoln School PTA. Students volunteered to clean and dry cars to help make money for their class! Thank you to the Elks for allowing us to use their property. Pictured here are Dr. Ferraro and Mrs. Awadallah by students when they went to get their vehicles washed! It was a fun and rewarding day for many.
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Welcome Back to Lincoln School Sign
Welcome Back to Lincoln
As the new school year approaches, we are excited to welcome back our returning students and welcome our new ones. There is nothing like being in a school filled with the voices of students talking and enthusiasm for learning. Please see this linked letter from the Principal with important details including our schedule, lunch information, Chromebook information and other highlights to showcase what is coming up. Please make sure you also check the school supply list for your child's grade to make sure they are prepared on the first day of school. See you on September 8th!
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Children at Pre-K Celebration
Pre-K Celebration and Prom
What a way to end off Pre-K at Lincoln School with a celebration and prom! Pre-K 4 families were able to watch their children be honored to go into Kindergarten. There was food, certificates, singing, and playing in the playground. They also had a prom during the school day in June where music was played, pictures taken, sensory items used, coloring going on, and tattoos offered. Some of our 5th and 6th graders assisted with the stations as peer models! These new ideas were a blast and we thank everyone for helping and donating.
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Display of Student Art Work
Spring Concert & Art Show
Lincoln School's concert returned this school year and it was a blast. This school year we combined it with an art show to display our students' artistic work. We also were able to stream the concert for guests who were not present. A special thanks to Mr. Carbone and Mrs. Collova for putting this show together. It was refreshing to see many students play an instrument and sing in front of a large, elated crowd. Thank you to our volunteers as well.
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Student holding domesticated hedgehog
Live Zoo Assembly
The Barn Hill Preserve came to Lincoln School to provide a live assembly of different animals for grades 1 and 2. Students were able to view, learn, and ask questions about the various animals, such as an owl, tortoise, bearded dragon, hedgehog, armadillo, and a blue lizard! Thank you Mrs. Olivieri for setting this up and bringing an enthusiastic animal presenter. You can find more information about this zoological hands-on experience at https://www.barnhillpreserve.com/
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Teacher Demonstrating Website
Read Across America
Read Across America in March was a huge success at Lincoln. There were several guest speakers, including our very own mayor! In addition to guest speakers, there was a bookmark contest, most pages read contest, drop everything and read moment, and an assembly called The Magic of Reading. Dr. Ferraro also shared a bed-time story of Empathy Is Your Superpower for families. The PTA contributed with prizes and sponsored themed clothing days! Pictured here is our mayor in a third grade class.
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Students Displaying Their Work
Random Acts of Kindness Day
Lincoln School celebrated Random Acts of Kindness Day on February 17. The day included a clothing theme of bright colors to brighten up people's day, 6th Grade Safety Patrol members welcoming students to homeroom, Dr. Ferraro surprising classes with a poster that had a message of "It's a random day to say something kind to your teachers," morning announcements with kindness quotes, a Kindness Poster wall by the main entrance, and a Kindness Poster Contest. Winners of the contest were: Jennifer Bustamante (Gr.K), Adison Saldarriaga (Gr. 1), Gabriela Alvarez (Gr. 2), Emily Mota (Gr. 3), Sonia Cuervo (Gr. 5), and Sophie Orengo (Gr. 5). Random Acts of Kindness Day was also supported by a 5th grade "Pay It Forward" discussion group earlier in the week by the guidance counselor, classroom SEL activities, and positive reinforcement of kind acts through our kindness business card raffle program!
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Social Media and Mental Health Title Slide
Social Media and Mental Health
Dr. Ferraro and Mrs. Sher presented an SEL topic this month on Social Media and Mental Health. Here is a recording, along with a copy of the presentation. This is part of the district's SEL initiative and we hope this information can help support you at home. Learn about the pros and cons of social media, what to look out for on devices, healthy ways to balance social media, and resources for families.
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Lincoln School Extra Curricular Activities
Lincoln School Extra Curricular Activities
Lincoln School now has a number of extracurricular programs offered. We encourage students to participate in activities that further enrich their minds and body. Some programs include Principal Challenges, Abacus Math, Booktime Stories, and Arts and Crafts. Here is a link to a running list of activities.
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Lincoln Kindness Tree
Lincoln Kindness Tree
December is the month of "Kindness" at Lincoln School. With the spirit of the holidays, a kindness tree was made and students wrote messages of a goal to be kind. The messages were put on post-its and put on the Kindness Tree made out of colored painter's tape! Let's go kindness!
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Jack-O'-Lantern Contest
October Fun
A huge thank you to our PTA for hosting the Boo Bash and Jack- O'-Lantern Contest. The Bash was a monster hit, and a great time was had by all. Congratulations to our contest winners Brian Mateo (1st), Mateo Rivera (2nd) and Nadia Talbot Muhammad (3rd).
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Student of the Month
September Student of the Month
Lilliana Febres in third grade is Lincoln School's Student of the Month for September. Only one student is selected each month for showing outstanding character. Lilliana went above and beyond this month with her kindness! We are so proud of her.
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4th of July Parade Float
July 4th Float
Happy Fourth of July! This year all three Ridgefield Park Elementary Schools participated together in the traditional town Fourth of July Parade. It was a great way to really kick off the summer season in true RP fashion. After overcoming many challenges this year, the theme of the 2021 float was, “We’re In This Together.” Members from all three PTA’s worked together to make this fun and colorful project come to life. Students and PTA board members from all of the elementary schools rode on their impressive creation while waving to the crowds, blowing bubbles and energetically dancing to great music. A great time was had by all!
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Clothing Donations
Lincoln Lions Organize and Help Each Other Out
During the last month of school, Lincoln School students and staff are being encouraged to purge, clean and organize. This is a great way to end this school year and to be set for a fresh new start. The Lincoln School Safety Patrol Members would like to encourage families to have an experience like this at home as well. Please go through a closet at home with your family and clean out old clothing that you no longer want or fits. Pass it along to a friend, family member or family in need. You’ll feel proud about your organized closet and helping someone special. If you are looking for where donations are being accepted, there are five clothing drop boxes sponsored by the Ridgefield Park Fire Department (Elks -rear lot, DPW- Industrial Avenue, VFW- side lot by Bergen Turnpike, HP Auto Repair- Hazelton Street, Westview Gas Station- side lot by Railroad Avenue and Third Street). Please take pictures during this experience and post them to the Guidance Google Classroom page by June 18th. Thank you for your support!
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The Scarlet Quill Jr. Masthead
New Edition of the Scarlet Quill Jr.
We are so delighted to share Edition 3 of the Scarlet Quill Jr. Our 5th and 6th grade journalists continue to write about their interests while culminating the pieces into one template. Please enjoy reading the material from each of our elementary buildings. Once again, we thank Mrs. Barrera, Mrs. Gerard, Mrs. Suarez, Mrs. Centrella, Mrs. Argila, Mrs. Haase, and Mr. Kenny for their efforts with the aspiring journalists. Please click the link to read the Scarlet Quill Jr., April Edition 3.
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Motivational Stairwell
Lincoln Motivation!
Lincoln School is pairing up with Safety Patrol to help build motivational stairwells. They have worked with Mrs. Alkin to think of quotes or messages, in which they will be printed on vinyl paper and added to stairwells. One has already been designed by Dr. Ferraro as an example. Located by second and fifth grade classrooms, this staircase has several positive messages, such as "Mistakes are proof that you are trying" and "Begin each day with a smile." Let's make sure our children are motivated throughout the day!
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new website homepage
RP Website Relaunch
We are pleased to announce that the Ridgefield Park district website has a new look and feel. We've added a megamenu which will put most important resources only one click away as well as a qucklinks bar for our most accessed resources. Then there will be more text to test the overflow feature.
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Masthead of Scarlet Quill Jr.
Read Our New Scarlet Quill Jr.
Looking for quality literature? Try the Scarlet Quill Jr. Our 5th and 6th graders were offered an opportunity to write anything based on their interest while culminating the pieces into one template. Please enjoy reading the material from each of our buildings. Each students’ piece includes their name and the school they attend.
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Teacher Holding Book
Help Us Celebrate Read Across America!
In recognition of Read Across America Week on March 1, Lincoln School is working with the PTA to create a jam-packed week filled with reading related activities. Some of these include the tradition of dressing up doors, guest readers, and attire themed days. We even have a competition on most pages read! One of the best features is our virtual bedtime stories by some of our teachers. Snuggle up with a blanket and listen to a bedtime story with your child!
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